
Thursday, August 03, 2006

New alternative to stock trading

I'm sooooo sorry for not writing for some time. I've been busy studiying charts! its soo addictive to use one in trading stocks. And wanna know why charts are good? u can also use charts in futures trading and Forex! it uses the same principle. Charting is just another tool to help u trade. its an alternative to fundamentalist approach to trading. it gives u signals on when to enter and exit the market.

Well, todays point is not about charting. I want to introduce to u commodity trading in Malaysia which is crude palm oil. the market is attractive as its a 2 way market which means u can make money when the market is on an uptrend, downtren or sideway trends as oppose to stock market where can can make money only during an uptrend. The break even point is also lower in cpo trading. Its 2 point to breakeven and the range it can go in one day is as high as 25 points and maybe more.

However, if u want to trade in this market u have make fast decisions as its a fast game. u can make big money and lose more money. yesterday i make a loss of 250 ringgit from 1500 initial investment and today ive made 50 buck. (actually i make a lost of 400 but manage to make 450 b4 the day end. one point equalys to 25 ringgit. to those interested i suggest u to learn some charting techniques as it helps.

I'm also new in the game so i can say much. maybe you're so much better than me. so gimme some tips!